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Neuropresage Team Neuropresage Team team's latest news

NEUROPRESAGE, Inserm U1237, is interested in :

  • Aging & Alzheimer’s diseaseP.I Gaël Chetelat
  • Alcohol-related brain dysfunctionP.I Anne-lise Pitel
  • Impact of sleep on brain functionsP.I Géraldine Rauchs
  • Schizophrenia & affective disordersP.I Sonia Dollfus / Eric Bui

We use psychological and neuropsychological approaches, combined with multimodal neuroimaging, EEG and blood biomarkers to provide a comprehensive understanding of the mechanisms leading to these conditions.

We also conduct randomized controlled trials to assess the impact of lifestyle-based interventions (meditation, foreign language learning, physical activity or cognitive remediation) in these brain disorders.

Association pour la recherche sur le cerveau
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Géraldine Rauchs

2 Post-doctoral/Researcher positions

May 17, 2024 - Cat. job offers

Géraldine Poisnel

Offre d’emploi – Psychologue/Neuropsychologue

May 17, 2024 - Cat. job offers

Géraldine Poisnel

Offre d’emploi – Gestionnaire et assistante administrative

May 17, 2024 - Cat. job offers

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