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REPARE is a participatory research program whose originality lies in the fact that it proposes a paradigm shift by (1) no longer considering risk factors for relapse, but rather “chance factors” or factors promoting the therapeutic contract; (2) benefiting from collaboration with self-help associations, to move away from focusing on populations of recently weaned patients.
We will therefore seek to identify, in a large number of potentially long-term abstinent subjects, the variables that enabled them to stop drinking alcohol and maintain the therapeutic contract , adopting a holistic multifactorial approach.
This program includes a research team made up of researchers with academic knowledge and association members with experiential knowledge. All team members are involved at all stages of the project: in protocol construction, data collection organization, analysis and valorization.

  • Anne Lise Pitel: Professor of Neuropsychology, University of Caen, Inserm UMR-S 1237 laboratory
  • Jessica Mange: Associate professor in social psychology, University of Caen, LPCN laboratory
  • Pierre Maurage: Professor of cognitive psychopathology, Université de Louvain la Neuve UCL, experimental psychopathology laboratory
  • Henri-Jean Aubin: Physician, expert of Addiction, APHP, Inserm UMR-S 1018 laboratory
  • Marion Acquier: psychologist, president of Alcoholics Anonymous
  • Philippe Sayer: President of CAMERUP, an association of 5 self-help groups: Alcool Ecoute Joie et Santé, Fédération Nationale des amis de la Santé, Vie libre, Entraid’addict, La Croix Bleue;

Two studies are planned:

  • a qualitative study based on focus groups with selected members of the associations involved,
  • a quantitative study based on a questionnaire drawn up as a result of the qualitative study and sent to all members of the associations involved.